Monday, December 27, 2010

December Drinner - Icon Grill

Almost all the ladies were able to make it to the end of the year drunch/drinner.  We missed out on Lexi, Cooper and VK (with signage).  We had a huge table at the always yummy Icon Grill downtown.  We shared wine, appetizers, salads and then at some yummy entrees and topped everything off with dessert.  I think we all were rolled out due to being overstuffed but what better way to spend the evening with the ladies. 

Awards were given out (congrats to all the winners):

Cooper- Flash Phobic award - best camera avoidance skills.
DeDe- First Responder award - always the first one to RSVP and reply to emails.
All the Way Sam- Best Multi Tasking award - able to do school full time, mommy full time and still find time to get tipsy at drunch
Ginger- Best Breeder award - first one of us to get to 3 kids
Jessica- Best Choice for First Drunch Ever award - you waited for the most fun one to come.
Coco- Fashionista award - always the best dressed, drunk or sober.
Cullens- Makes It Look Easy award - already has her 3month old trained to sleep 8hrs at night

We also said our drunchy cheers without our cheat tags, I'd say we are getting good.  Still needs a bit of work but we're on our way. 

Don't forget ladies 2014 MEXICO baby!!!!  Put it in your calendars and be prepared.  I know I've got some bikini work to get on before then.  I should probably start 2 years ago haha. 

Love to all of you drunchy ladies, way to rock the year.  Hope to see everyone next year with full attendance (see attendance for individual goals next year).  We all mean so much to one another and I for one must say I couldn't make it without you all!!

Love love

I'd say we've pretty much mastered the "V" formation, although when it's a large group it's tough to see the bottom of the "V"

Beautiful ladies and I will say looking tan as well. 

I think most of us above Jazz and Cullens are not a fan of the stair formation.  I vote we eliminate in 2011 or work on how to better view chins :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

November Drunch - 520 Bar & Grill

Let's pray people!
This was quite a yummy drunch.  We were in fancy town near quite a few cute boutiques and eateries (see Addie to the right with fancy cross on). 

Jazzleen had quite a few things to say this drunch that led us to say she is "pretty."  She said "did you guys know that on Veterans day and thursday kids were out of school?" (both fell on the same day).  Then she mentioned to Coco that John called her sickle...and Coco said you mean fickle and she said no no it's sickle.  We all had a giggly laugh about that one. 

We also had a lot of 'ball' talk.  Yes those kinds of balls.  We think that since men get saggy balls later in life they should join us in a bit of nip tuck when we do our stuff.  It only makes sense......

After drunch, and getting drunchy, a few of us headed over to Lexi's house for a jewelry party.  Always fun to spend maximum time with the druncy girlies. 

Oh and last but not least, it was decided to make December drunch a drinner.  More to come but looking forward to that for sure. 

So beautiful, I will say....